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  • Red Cross and Red Crescent National Flag Day : official seller.
  • [Leaflet about the American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D.C., its history and its museums areas].
  • [Leaflet about the American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D.C., its history and its museums areas].
  • [Leaflet about the American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D.C., its history and its museums areas].
  • [Leaflet about the American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D.C., its history and its museums areas].
  • A drop of red blood amidst a black cross, star and crescent; set against a splattered pink and black background with a message to donate blood not shed it; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Voluntary Health Association of India and the Manipur Voluntary Health Association. Colour lithograph by Ramesh Sukumar for VHAI, ca. 1995.
  • A red and white criss-crossed painting by M.A. Plumelle with the words 'Lutte contre le SIDA - echange - partage - accueil - ecoute - information - soutien' repeated in blue lettering at the top; advertisement for AIDES, the support group for those with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • A Red Crescent nurse is sitting on a chair, holding the crutches of a patient who is saluting her. Colour process print, 19--.
  • Chirurgiens et blessés : a travers l'histoire ; des origines à la Croix-Rouge / Docteur Cabanès.
  • [Small compliments slip for the League of Red Cross Societies, Geneva (1969?)].